2015年10月7日 星期三

My Brief History... by Stephen Hawking

Just finished reading another book by Stephen Hawking. A great book, and simple to understand. He talks about cosmology, from the Big Bang, black holes, to time travel, and a new idea of the Imaginary Time! With simple English, he gives us a great trip through space and time. It's amazing! And inspiring! I like especially the last chapter... he related his findings on the universe that has no boundary, to his own life... there is no boundary for human's potential too!

有感而發。看到了pure scientist 的可愛之處。貪慾不多,為求目標而會勇往直前。而那目標也只是單純地為探求宇宙真理。 有著一種堅持,甚至是執著,執著於所能發現的真理。有豐富的想像力,但那並非是無謑之談,而是基於已知發現而作大膽猜想。能清楚分別什麼是猜想,什麼是實證,不會胡亂吹噓,並會為找出猜想的真確性而想盡方法求證,進一步尋求真理。能接受失敗。因為,錯誤的事並不會因為人們說對便對。


一種堅持, 一種執著,對真理的堅持,對求證的執著。。。這便是我!

旁人指我,罵我,取笑我,討厭我。。。只因我那份對真理的堅持,執著,追求和渴望。 ... 6.10.2015