2016年3月8日 星期二

Is Anger and Hatred really our constant enemies?

I read a quote this morning ...

"Anger and hatred are our real and constant enemies. It is they, not our temporary adversaries, that we need to fight and conquer. As we have not trained our minds to weaken their power to harm, those emotions continue to disrupt and negate all our efforts for inner peace."
... quoted from a book written by a very great teacher.

Emotions are present in everybody's mind. The differences among us are just on how they are triggered, why they are triggered, and how agitated they have been triggered.

All kinds of emotions are actually children of our mind. Happiness, sadness, excited, loneliness, also anger and hatred are all children of our mind. To be exact, they are all children of our deluded mind.

When we are not able to see things clearly, and we are not able to keep our mind calm and still, emotions arise. 

Every kind of emotion happens because of some reason. Just as when we look at our children, we may not be able to understand why they act like this, respond like that, speak in such a way, etc. But we all love our children. Just like that, we should love our emotion, every bit of our emotion.

Whenever we think our child act or behave inappropriately, it is of no help to just stop them, and suppress their behavior. The more we love our children, the more we want to understand them. We then try to talk to our children, see how they think, what triggered such an action or behavior. 

Then, everything is the same as to our emotions. The emotions come out from our mind. We may not know why they appear, how they happen, but they are from our minds. 

A brave person, especially those who want improvements, and those who want the ultimate way to get rid of suffering from their emotions, should treat their emotion as their dearest children. Give patience, and be sincere to our dearest children, the emotions. Listen to them. At the very beginning, our children do not know how to express themselves. Be patient, just be with them, give them time to organize themselves, then they will be able to tell you bit by bit. The more you practice your patience and give time to your children, they will learn better and better to express their feeling, they will be more capable to tell you what happened to them, and to let you understand them more and more, deeper and deeper.

Once your children feel that you are really care about them, their behaviors and attitude will change, automatically! From unwanted behavior to lovely and kind behavior. Remember, your emotions are just your children. Show them love and patience. The anger and hatred will be dissolved by your love and care. Transcend them!

And eventually, neither a bit of anger nor hatred will appear in your mind. Your children will become very lovely, understanding, and calm.

Be true to ourselves, be patience to our heart, be brave to face every bit of our emotions, because they are our dearest children. Then all you have in your heart is love and care, nothing else! 

So beautiful, peaceful, and joyful!

As I don't want you to have any prejudgment, I didn't mention where the quote is originated. For those who want to know, please tell me. (syschung@gmail.com) I will give you the answer.  


Sally Chung
8 March 2016

