2011年9月29日 星期四



剛收到中心通知, 今晚課程如常進行.

(29/9/2011 4:28pm)

唔知點解, 我覆唔到留言.

給 Amy 留言的回覆:

Amy, 大概5點前 (其實我唔係太確定, 以 4:30pm 還是5:30pm 為準), 如落左8號風, 會照常上課架! 我見天文台話稍後下午會有機會轉掛3號風, 所以你差不多時間再看看天氣報告啦!

哈哈! 我都有 D 懶, 但又好掛住你地! 那就... 隨緣啦! 

其他今日上堂的同學仔都係, 下午大概 5pm 睇下落波未啦! ^^ 


Amy, thanks for the question you raised. I think it's good to make this blog a notice board as well, for any special arrangement in our classes. Thanks! ^^

1 則留言:

  1. i remembered you showed us a note saying if there is black rain at 4 or after, the class will be cancelled. I think similar applies to Typhoon 8+
