2016年1月31日 星期日

To make our life more meaningful...

To make our life more meaningful,
To make our life more joyful,

Try to expand our heart, not just to include ourself, or just one to two persons that we love.

But to expand our heart in the way that, it embrances more and more people, living creatures, and even the whole universe, no matter it is a living thing or not...

Try to feel how they feel ...

Help them when they need ...

And love them ...

But at the same time, the most important is, we need to learn ...

Learn how to feel others correctly,

Learn how to love others correctly,

Feel and love, all with an unconditional mind, and wisdom in our heart ....

Our minds will then transcend, and our hearts will then glow...

Sally Chung
31 Jan 2016

